Soil & Water Conservation District

Lewis County Water Quality Coordinating Committee
The next meeting of the Lewis County WQCC is February 25th at 10:00AM. Meetings are held at the SWCD office 7356 East Road Lowville NY.
What is the WQCC?
The Lewis County Water Quality Coordinating Committee (WQCC) is made up of members from local agencies that work together to define and address county water quality priorities. The committee is comprised of representatives from the Lewis County Soil & Water Conservation District, NYS DEC, NYS Tug Hill Commission, Lewis County Recreation, Forestry and Parks, Lewis County Planning, NYS Dept. of Health, Tug Hill Tomorrow Land Trust, Lewis County Highway, USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service, as well as other environmental organizations, citizens groups, and lake associations. Meetings are held every other month to discuss water resources management and current priorities.

What is a watershed and why is it significant?
A watershed is an area of land that drains rain water or snow into one location such as a stream, lake or wetland. These water bodies supply our drinking water, water for agriculture and manufacturing, offer opportunities for recreation and provide habitat to numerous plants and animals.
Shown is a map of Lewis County depicting the 12 Unit HUC watershed boundaries.
2024 Water Quality Coordinating Committee Executive Board

Nichelle Swisher

Jackie Mahoney

Carla Yaw