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Soil & Water Conservation District
"Guarding & Enhancing Our Natural Resources for Tomorrow"
Located in Northern New York, just forty miles from Canada, Lewis County is home to the Black River Valley, the Adirondack Park and the Tug Hill Plateau.
Our goal is to assist our local citizens and farmers in protecting and enhancing the natural resources and ecology of our beautiful county.
What's Happening:
​​We are just a staff of four and sometimes we are all needed in the field.
Please call ahead to ensure someone is in the office or to schedule an appointment.
We accept Water Samples on Wednesdays Only between 8:00-10:00am.
Bottles are available outside our office if staff are working in the field.
Thank you for your understanding!
October 23rd- Joint Annual Meeting:
Lewis County Farm Bureau, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Lewis County & Lewis County Soil & Water Conservation District will have a joint annual meeting at the JCC building, 7395 East Road Lowville, on October 23 at 6:30PM. Light refreshments will be served. Guest Speaker, Brian Steinmuller from NYS Dept of Agriculture and Markets, will discuss Climate Resilient Farming Practices, and funding opportunities available to local farms in NYS. Pie auction with proceeds to the local food pantry will follow the meeting. Cost is $10 per person, $15 per couple.
RSVP by October 15th to 518-431-5650 or
October 14th- CLOSED:
The SWCD will be CLOSED October 14th in observance of Columbus Day.
November 11th- CLOSED:
The SWCD will be CLOSED November 11th in observance of Veterans Day.
November 14th- Water Quality Coordinating Committee Meeting: The next meeting of the Lewis County WQCC is Thursday Nov. 14th at 10:00AM at the SWCD office 7356 East Road Lowville NY.
November 12th- Soil & Water Board Meeting:
The SWCD Board of Directors monthly meeting will be held at the SWCD Office located at 7356 East Road Lowville on Tuesday, November 12th at 10:00AM.
15' No-Till Drill
7' No-Till Seeder
Skidder Bridges
Soil Group Worksheets
Municipal Hydroseeding
Dry Hydrant Design
Mined Land Reclamation Plans
Invasive Species Management
Geographic information System
Water Quality
Erosion Control
Technical Assistance
Permit Assistance
Environmental Assessments
Water Sample Drop Off Point
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